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Conspiracy Watch | l'Observatoire du conspirationnisme

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitism in Japan

Publié par La Rédaction29 septembre 2006,

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitism in Japan
Beginning in the mid-1980s, dozens of books based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion began to appear in Japanese bookstores and sold millions of copies. Jews were described in these books and in the large, gaudy advertisements that appeared for them in mass circulation daily newspapers as a clandestine cabal plotting to destroy Japan and rule the world. The Jewish plot, the books charged, had already succeeded. The United States, Japan’s chief ally and most important trading partner, was controlled by Jews, who formed a “shadow government” and manipulated U.S. policies for their own perfidious ends. Certain ministries within the Japanese government had already been taken over by Jews, it was said, and Japan was doomed unless something could be done. The enemy was ruthless, and the response, it was implied, had to be equally so.

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David G. Goodman est directeur d'études à la Faculté de langues et de cultures d'Asie orientale de l'Université de l'Illinois, à Urbana-Champaign. Il est l'auteur, avec Masanori Miyazawa, de Jews in the Japanese Mind: The History and Uses of a Cultural Stereotype, rev. ed. (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2000).

Source : David G. Goodman, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitism in Japan”, Posen Papers in Contemporary Antisemitism #2, (Jerusalem: Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, 2005).

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitism in Japan
Beginning in the mid-1980s, dozens of books based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion began to appear in Japanese bookstores and sold millions of copies. Jews were described in these books and in the large, gaudy advertisements that appeared for them in mass circulation daily newspapers as a clandestine cabal plotting to destroy Japan and rule the world. The Jewish plot, the books charged, had already succeeded. The United States, Japan’s chief ally and most important trading partner, was controlled by Jews, who formed a “shadow government” and manipulated U.S. policies for their own perfidious ends. Certain ministries within the Japanese government had already been taken over by Jews, it was said, and Japan was doomed unless something could be done. The enemy was ruthless, and the response, it was implied, had to be equally so.

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David G. Goodman est directeur d'études à la Faculté de langues et de cultures d'Asie orientale de l'Université de l'Illinois, à Urbana-Champaign. Il est l'auteur, avec Masanori Miyazawa, de Jews in the Japanese Mind: The History and Uses of a Cultural Stereotype, rev. ed. (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2000).

Source : David G. Goodman, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitism in Japan”, Posen Papers in Contemporary Antisemitism #2, (Jerusalem: Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, 2005).

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