Conspiracy Watch | l'Observatoire du conspirationnisme
Conspiracy Watch | l'Observatoire du conspirationnisme

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Saddam's Capture

Publié par La Rédaction19 décembre 2003, ,

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Saddam's Capture

No sooner than Saddam had been captured, and the manner in which he was captured, than conspiracy theories have found their way to the Arab media. His supporters in Iraq and in the Arab world were shocked to see that Saddam, who they were led to believe for decades was "the knight of knights, courageous and gallant," appeared on television screens meek, defeated, and humiliated, without putting up a fight as his two sons and teenager grandson had done against enormous odds.

La suite sur le site de MEMRI.

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Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Saddam's Capture

No sooner than Saddam had been captured, and the manner in which he was captured, than conspiracy theories have found their way to the Arab media. His supporters in Iraq and in the Arab world were shocked to see that Saddam, who they were led to believe for decades was "the knight of knights, courageous and gallant," appeared on television screens meek, defeated, and humiliated, without putting up a fight as his two sons and teenager grandson had done against enormous odds.

La suite sur le site de MEMRI.

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