Since its founding in 2007, Conspiracy Watch has had a primary objective: combatting conspiracy theories. Our journey began by democratizing access to comprehensive information about the conspiracy phenomenon, charting its history and profiling influential proponents. We also dedicated ourselves to debunking the flawed premises upon which conspiracy theories thrive.
Conspiracy Watch has always set out to try as much as possible to document contemporary conspiracy theories—highlighting variants of conspiratorial discourse and the recurrence of themes favored by key actors in the conspiracy-sphere.
Conspiracy Watch has earned a reputation for seriousness and insightful analysis. In 2018, it became an online news service entirely devoted to informing the public about the conspiracy universe, Holocaust denial and contemporary expressions of conspiracism.
Conspiracy Watch, an independent French non-profit organization, is an open-source media analyzing, in real-time, disinformation and extremism (online) and combatting its impact on democratic values (and human rights) worldwide.
Our vision is a world in which conspiracy theories have less traction in the global information ecosystem, resulting in less polarised societies and stronger democracies.
The Editorial Staff includes Tristan Mendès France, Rudy Reichstadt, Mike Rothschild and Emma-Kate Symons.
For sixteen years, Conspiracy Watch has been diligently spreading awareness about the perils of conspiracy theories through real-time monitoring and insightful analyses. To keep our mission alive, we rely on the critical support of our readers.