Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Author: The Editorial Staff

The Editorial Staff

Trump Shooting Conspiracies Are Coming From Every Direction

In the minutes and hours after a 20-year-old repeatedly shot at former president Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, social media platforms, message boards, and encrypted chat groups lit up with conspiracies about the shooting. From wild claims that the incident was a “deep state plot” devised by President Joe Biden […]
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Rudy Reichstadt interviews Hélène Dumas on the denial of the Tutsi genocide

The interview was originally published on the Conspiracy Watch website and was recorded on June 4, 2024. Translation by Pepijn van Erp.
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Benjamin Cohen was falsely accused of the Bondi Junction stabbings. Here's how the lie spread around the world

For 14 hours over the weekend, Sydney university student Ben Cohen was one of the most reviled men on the internet after he was falsely accused of being the knifeman who went on a stabbing rampage in a Sydney shopping centre, killing six people. The ABC has pieced together how anti-semitic and pro-Kremlin accounts turned […]
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Riding Rage Over Israel to Online Prominence

Jackson Hinkle has cultivated an online persona so incendiary that he has been kicked off YouTube, Twitch and Instagram. He rages on undaunted, even energized. He produces a regular podcast on Rumble, a website popular with many prominent conservatives. He writes dozens of posts a day on X, where his following has surged to 2.5 […]
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Trump’s sudden opposition to a TikTok ban has right-wing media divided, upsetting “a lot of conservatives”

On Wednesday, the House passed a bill with large bipartisan support that could potentially result in the popular social media app TikTok being banned from use in the United States. Former President Donald Trump, who has previously supported banning TikTok, seemingly reversed his position on the issue after meeting with a Republican donor invested in […]
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The truth behind those white streaks trailing behind jets in the sky

We’ve all seen those white streaks trailing behind jets, creating stripes against the blue sky. The lines are called contrails, short for condensation trails, and they appear when water vapor condenses and freezes around the exhaust from an aircraft, according to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. At least that’s what science says. In recent […]
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Ignore the Nutty Conspiracies, MH370 Was Likely a ‘Zombie Flight’

Fear of the deep. It is, at once, a very modern form of horror and a very ancient one. In this case it begins more than six miles high in the sky and ends more than three miles beneath the surface of the ocean. Ten years ago, early in the evening of March 8, 2014, Malaysian […]
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Jacob Rothschild death sparks resurgence of misinformation on family dynasty

"The rothschilds were behind the fed, and they now control the global financial system," says a February 26, 2024 Instagram post with more than 30,000 likes. Text in an image of the late financier on Facebook says: "My name is Jacob Rothschild. My family is worth 500 trillion dollars ... We own your news, the media, your oil and […]
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Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
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