Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Category: Hate & extremism

The racist 'Great Replacement' Conspiracy Theory Explained

This racist conspiracy narrative falsely asserts there is an active, ongoing and covert effort to replace white populations in current white-majority countries. In some periods of American history, paranoid narratives of “white extinction” have appeared to exist only on a radical fringe of racist political movements. In other periods, some of the nation’s highest political […]
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Zelenskyy, ‘Denazification’ and the Redirection of Holocaust Victimhood

As with many global crises, the online far-right is attempting to frame Russia’s invasion of Ukraine through their existing worldview. Indeed, far-right conspiracy theorists have reacted to the war by doing what they do best; conspire and theorise. Antisemitism remains a central component of the extreme-right worldview. Conspiracy theories such as the Great Replacement are […]
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The Abuse of the Star of David

“In June 1942, a German officer walks up to a young man and says, “Excuse me, sir, where is the Place de l’Étoile?” The young man points to the left side of his chest. (Jewish history.)” Patrick Modiano, La place de l’étoile, Gallimard, 1968 Meditating on the unfathomable nature of the Holocaust, the historian Alain […]
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Assange's Extremist Employees

Last week, I wrote that the widely-linked article positing that the CIA was behind a Swedish woman's accusation of rape against Julian Assange was authored by a Russian-born, Swedish-domiciled, multi-aliased anti-Semite and Holocaust denier currently writing under the name "Israel Shamir," a.k.a. Adam Ermash or Jöran Jermas. The broader point had little to do with […]
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History on trial

At times during his legal battle in the high court, David Irving, a man of natural military bearing, resembles a beleaguered Wehrmacht general in some god-forsaken pocket on the eastern front, desperately trying to beat off the Jewish-Bolshevik hordes. At least, one suspects, that is rather how he sees it. [...] Read more
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Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
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© 2024 An initiative of the Observatoire du conspirationnisme (nonprofit organization) with the support of The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.
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