Whether or not they know it, people who call George Soros a Nazi are echoing a malicious lie that was likely invented in the early 1990s by known anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. As early as December 1993, LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Report (EIR) was falsely claiming that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. “Soros is doing […]
Last week, I wrote that the widely-linked article positing that the CIA was behind a Swedish woman's accusation of rape against Julian Assange was authored by a Russian-born, Swedish-domiciled, multi-aliased anti-Semite and Holocaust denier currently writing under the name "Israel Shamir," a.k.a. Adam Ermash or Jöran Jermas. The broader point had little to do with […]
At times during his legal battle in the high court, David Irving, a man of natural military bearing, resembles a beleaguered Wehrmacht general in some god-forsaken pocket on the eastern front, desperately trying to beat off the Jewish-Bolshevik hordes. At least, one suspects, that is rather how he sees it. [...] Read more