Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Category: History

Genocide in Rwanda: The mechanisms of denial

In this well-researched book, Intent to Deceive: Denying the Rwandan Genocide, investigative journalist Linda Melvern methodically analyses the strategy implemented by Rwandan génocidaires to promote their biased version of events. In April 2014, 20 years after the genocide of the Tutsis, the BBC broadcasted “Rwanda’s Untold Story,” a documentary which presented the conflict as a double […]
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Oliver Stone's JFK: a basket case for conspiracy

On 22 November 1963, American president John F Kennedy was shot and killed as he drove through Dallas, Texas. The Warren Commission, charged with investigating the assassination, concluded that he was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone. [...] Read more
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The Jewish Conspiracy in Asia

A Chinese bestseller, entitled The Currency War, describes how Jews are planning to rule the world by manipulating the international financial system. The book is reportedly read in the highest government circles. If so, this does not bode well for the international financial system, which relies on well-informed Chinese to help it recover from the current […]
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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitism in Japan

Beginning in the mid-1980s, dozens of books based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion began to appear in Japanese bookstores and sold millions of copies. Jews were described in these books and in the large, gaudy advertisements that appeared for them in mass circulation daily newspapers as a clandestine cabal plotting to destroy […]
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JFK: Oliver Stone's Fictional Reality

Well before the advent of the Hollywood pseudo documentary, Karl Marx suggested that all great events and personalities in world history happen twice: "the first time as tragedy, the second as farce." Oliver Stone's film "JFK" repesents the second coming of Jim Garrison. In 1969, when Jim Garrison's Conspiracy-To-Kill-Kennedy trial collapsed, his entire case that […]
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Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
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