Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Category: Europe

Flemish Author Condemned for Antisemitic Death Threats

Prominent Flemish author Herman Brusselmans has gained international notoriety and opprobrium since he wrote a column for Belgian weekly Humo in which he let his emotions run wild in response to the atrocities in the war in Gaza. Brusselmans wrote that he would like to stab any random Jew he met on the street with a […]
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Moscow Loses French Elections – At Least For Now

A relentless Kremlin campaign of disinformation and destabilisation aimed at bringing Marine Le Pen’s pro-Putin extreme right party to power in France has failed - for the moment. The upset result in the snap legislative elections placing the Rassemblement National (RN) in third place among parliamentary parties is a significant blow to Russian interests. Even […]
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Conspiracists Well-Placed to Win Big in French Elections

As France prepares to vote in the snap legislative elections’ runoff, with Marine Le Pen’s extreme right, Putin-admiring movement pushing at the gates of power, conspiracy theories are running amok. A clutch of notorious propagators of narratives spanning pro-Kremlin conspiracies, anti-vax theories, climate change denial, QAnon, and Holocaust negation have already been elected outright in […]
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Kremlin Spreads Blame Ukraine Libels After Slovak PM Shot

It only took a few minutes. Following the assassination attempt on Slovakia's pro-Russian Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15, the Kremlin swiftly grabbed the opportunity to launch a massive online disinformation and destabilization campaign. The target? Ukraine, Slovakia’s neighboring country. Unfounded accusations blaming Kiev for the attack proliferated across a galaxy of pro-Moscow Telegram […]
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Dutch Extremist Thierry Baudet and the Globalization of the 'Reptilian' Conspiracist Far Right

Thierry Baudet was born into a well-to-do family in 1983,  educated at the best educational institutions and appeared destined for a brilliant career.  After a degree in history at Amsterdam University he moved to Leiden University, obtaining his doctorate under Paul Cliteur, the patriarch of many conservative publicists, and Roger Scruton, the prominent conservative philosopher. […]
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Far-right extremists stage rural land grab across Germany

A strategic rural land grab by rightwing extremists is taking place across Germany with the concerted aim of creating communities independent of the state, according to the domestic intelligence agency and government ministries. Authorities and NGOs monitoring far-right groups say the members of the Reichsbürger movement who reject the post-1945 German state are making a […]
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Why did a far-right MP take a fire extinguisher to a Jewish menorah just as Poland’s new government was being voted into power?

In an attack caught on video, a member of the Polish parliament (Sejm) used a fire extinguisher to put out the Hanukkah candles on a menorah positioned in a public area of the building, filling the room with mist and covering bystanders with foam. Grzegorz Braun, an MP for the far-right alliance Konfederacja, then stated […]
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Post-Pandemic Developments of 'Reichsbürger' and Sovereignists in Germany

In the CeMAS report titled “From the Crisis to the Reich”, significant trends within the conspiracy-ideological sovereignist milieu of “Reichsbürger” and other groups in Germany since the COVID-19 pandemic are analyzed. The report characterizes conspiracy-ideological sovereignism as a component of the German far right with a longstanding antisemitic tradition. The sovereignist milieu promotes a political […]
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Pro-Kremlin sources spread conspiracy theory alleging US ‘climate weapons’ caused storm in Crimea

A severe storm system moved through the Black Sea this week, impacting occupied Crimea and parts of Ukraine and Russia, leaving millions without heat and power. Amid the storm, pro-Kremlin sources re-circulated an old conspiracy theory suggesting US-based entities were complicit in the storm’s creation. The conspiracy theory accuses the United States of having a technological program that can control the […]
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New report: How conspiracy groups in Spain worked to undermine the media literacy project of the foundation

The International Press Institute (IPI) has released a big-data case study exposing a campaign to intimidate and discredit the Spanish foundation earlier this year., an nonprofit organization of journalists that exposes falsehoods and misinformation, became the subject of a campaign by conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, and denialists in the run-up to the municipal and […]
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