Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Conspiracypedia: Key actors

This resource provides concise updates on conspiracy theories, including Key Actors, Media & Organizations and Narratives & Terms.

Louis Farrakhan

05 September 2024
President of the Nation of Islam (NOI), Louis Farrakhan (1933 - ) is an American antisemitic and conspiracy preacher, advocating for the separation of Black and White people. Born Louis Eugene Walcott, he was first a calypso singer before joining the Nation of Islam in 1955. He quickly played a very important role in the […]
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Alex Jones

27 March 2024
Alex Jones is an American far-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist who runs InfoWars, one of the most influential conspiracy websites. The extreme-right media platform created in 1999 receives more than 10 million visits a month (SimilarWeb data) and generates annual sales estimated at several tens of millions of dollars. Jones spreads a […]
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Alain Soral

21 March 2024
E&R ( operates as a Soral fan club, openly spreading “national-socialist” ideology and advocating for the reconciliation of the "left of labor and the right of values to avoid civil war." Since Soral set up the site in 2007, E&R has established itself as the undisputed flagship of France’s conspiracy sphere, accumulating millions of visits […]
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Kemi Seba

13 March 2024
Kemi Seba is a French and Beninese black supremacist and pan-African agitator who has gained notoriety for spreading antisemitic, pro-Kremlin and virulently anti-French conspiracies.  A key player in the fomented backlash against France and French and Western interests in the Sahel region and across West Africa, he was designated by the US State Department in […]
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David Irving

06 March 2024
He never obtained a university degree, but wrote dozens of books about World War II, typically from Adolf Hitler’s point of view. The 1977 book Hitler’s War, in which he claims the Nazi dictator had no knowledge of the Holocaust, is his best known. Irving first met the French negationist Robert Faurisson in September 1983, […]
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John Pilger

01 January 2024
John Pilger (1939-2023) was an Australian journalist who gained notoriety through his writings and public comments on conflicts and war zones in countries including Venezuela, Ukraine and Syria. The veteran reporter first earned a reputation and garnered awards in the 1960s and 1970s as an independent journalist covering the Vietnam war, Cambodia under the Khmer […]
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Tucker Carlson

21 December 2023
Tucker Carlson (1969 - ) is an American far right columnist and television host. He was a star presenter on cable news channel Fox News, hosting the top-rated Tucker Carlson Tonight show from 2017 until his dismissal in 2023. At its height Carlson's nightly show attracted more than 3 million viewers daily. Carlson is also […]
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Andrew Anglin

29 November 2023
Andrew Anglin (1984 - ) is a North American white supremacist who operates The Daily Stormer, one of the world's most influential neo-Nazi sites. On the Chinese platform Weibo, The Daily Stormer presents itself as "a group of American political dissidents who oppose the injustices and corruption of the deep state." Anglin is a loyal […]
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David Icke

26 November 2023
Among the alleged 'reptilians' in human form whom Icke declares rule the world, are members of the Rothschild family, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, the Queen of England and Tony Blair. His website receives an average of nearly 2 million visits per month (SimilarWeb data). After a career as a football player […]
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Joseph Mercola

Joseph Mercola

05 September 2023
Joseph Mercola (1954 - ) is an American osteopath who is an advocate of so-called “alternative” medicine. Created in 1998, is one of the most popular alternative health platforms in the world and the flagship of a vast digital empire of disinformation. It features anti-vaccination and pseudo-scientific content as well as the promotion of […]
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Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
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© 2024 An initiative of the Observatoire du conspirationnisme (nonprofit organization) with the support of The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.
Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah