Alex Jones is an American far-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist who runs InfoWars, one of the most influential conspiracy websites. The extreme-right media platform created in 1999 receives more than 10 million visits a month (SimilarWeb data) and generates annual sales estimated at several tens of millions of dollars. Jones spreads a […]
In conspiracy mythology, the Galactic Federation (or Intergalactic Confederation) is the name given to an alleged organization grouping together several extraterrestrial civilizations. According to the legend, these civilizations have covertly collaborated with the United States and Israel for decades in scientific and military efforts. Adherents of this conspiracy theory initially identified exclusively with "ufologists" or […]
Kemi Seba is a French and Beninese black supremacist and pan-African agitator who has gained notoriety for spreading antisemitic, pro-Kremlin and virulently anti-French conspiracies. A key player in the fomented backlash against France and French and Western interests in the Sahel region and across West Africa, he was designated by the US State Department in […]
He never obtained a university degree, but wrote dozens of books about World War II, typically from Adolf Hitler’s point of view. The 1977 book Hitler’s War, in which he claims the Nazi dictator had no knowledge of the Holocaust, is his best known. Irving first met the French negationist Robert Faurisson in September 1983, […]
Founded in Detroit, Michigan in 1930 by Wallace Fard Muhammad, the Nation of Islam (NOI) advocates Black supremacism and the creation of an Afro-American nation separate from whites, whom it considers inferior beings and often refers to as "devils". Although it claims to be part of Islam, the NOI's practices and beliefs set it apart, […]
'Color Revolution' is an expression used to stigmatize a popular movement by suggesting that it is artificial and controlled from abroad. Widely used in the contemporary conspiracy lexicon, the term historically referred to a peaceful popular revolution reflecting the genuine aspirations of a civil society exasperated by fraud, corruption and the stifling of civil liberties. […]
Sputnik ( is a Kremlin online propaganda platform launched in November 2014. Its anti-Western editorial line is similar to the Moscow-sponsored English-language TV channel Russia Today (RT). Sputnik now publishes content in more than thirty languages. Denunciations of the methods and content of Sputnik are comparable to those leveled at RT. A joint French report on […]
Holocaust denial casts doubt on the historical veracity and magnitude of the Jewish genocide perpetrated by the Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler during World War II. According to the working definition proposed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), “Holocaust denial may include publicly denying or calling into doubt the use of principal mechanisms of […]
The term 'depopulation' is regularly used by conspiracy theorists in reference to alleged secret criminal 'plans' by the 'elites' to reduce the world's population. Many conspiracy commentators subscribe to the notion of a sinister global depopulation plot, including Lyndon LaRouche, Alex Jones, Aaron Russo, Louis Farrakhan and Webster Tarpley. They claim that the ‘globalist oligarchy’—embodied […]
The People's Voice ( is a disinformation outlet operated out of Los Angeles by former BBC television producer and conspiracy theorist Sean Adl-Tabatabai. The pro-Putin website (formerly named and specializes in hoaxes and has published a variety false stories about the 9/11 Attacks, Pizzagate, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, COVID-19, Karl Schwab and […]