Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory


This resource provides concise updates on conspiracy theories, including Key Actors, Media & Organizations and Narratives & Terms.

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The Great Reset

28 November 2023
'The Great Reset' was an initiative launched at the 51st meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2021. The aim was to unite people of goodwill to bring about a post-COVID-19 world that was more prosperous, cooperative and respectful of the environment and human beings, resolutely turning the page on neoliberalism (defined […]
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David Icke

26 November 2023
Among the alleged 'reptilians' in human form whom Icke declares rule the world, are members of the Rothschild family, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, the Queen of England and Tony Blair. His website receives an average of nearly 2 million visits per month (SimilarWeb data). After a career as a football player […]
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Internet Research Agency (IRA)

26 November 2023
The Internet Research Agency (IRA) is a Russian company located in St. Petersburg. In reality, it is a “troll factory” financed by the Kremlin, whose existence was discovered in 2013 by Russian journalists pretending to be candidates applying for jobs there. The regional press, including Finnish and Polish news outlets, then got hold of the […]
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Press TV

23 November 2023
Created in 2007 and modeled on Russia Today (RT), Press TV defines itself as an "Iranian international news channel with the participation of Middle East specialists". Its slogan is "Voice of the Voiceless". In January 2012, the United Kingdom revoked its license for lack of editorial independence from the government of the Islamic Republic of […]
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Active measures

31 October 2023
The term 'active measures' (aktivinyye meropriatia in Russian) refers to strategies or techniques – "open" or secret – implemented by the Kremlin to influence foreign public opinion and actions. The measures include disinformation as well as infiltration or manipulation of youth organizations or trade unions, and the use of agents of influence and foreign pro-Russian […]
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25 October 2023
Anti-Zionism is usually accompanied by a refusal to consider there is such a thing as a Jewish people with the right to freely choose its destiny within the framework of a sovereign nation-state. Portraying Zionism in a negative light, such as by likening it to a type of racism (as illustrated in a 1975 United […]
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Flat Earth 'Theory'

19 October 2023
The misnamed flat Earth ‘theory’ is a denial of scientific proof that the Earth is round. It is based on the belief of a widespread global conspiracy involving governments and space agencies worldwide, with the goal of convincing humanity that the Earth is actually shaped like a disc. Research suggests that YouTube has been key […]
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19 October 2023
The denunciation of globalism is commonplace in extremist rhetoric. French political scientist Jean-Yves Camus recalls that "the term globalism is a neologism that appeared in the early 1980s in the conspiracy circles of the antisemitic far-right [...] to designate the so-called concerted action of secret societies, economic interest groups or lobbies to achieve the establishment […]
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Joseph Mercola

Joseph Mercola

05 September 2023
Joseph Mercola (1954 - ) is an American osteopath who is an advocate of so-called “alternative” medicine. Created in 1998, is one of the most popular alternative health platforms in the world and the flagship of a vast digital empire of disinformation. It features anti-vaccination and pseudo-scientific content as well as the promotion of […]
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Gordon Duff

Gordon Duff

14 June 2023
Gordon Duff is editor-in-chief of Veterans Today, a far-right American website that hosts Holocaust denial content and specialises in the dissemination of "anti-Zionist" conspiracy theories. He is a veteran who served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. Duff sees the hand of Israel and its secret services behind most contemporary tragedies. In his […]
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Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
Blue Sky
© 2024 An initiative of the Observatoire du conspirationnisme (nonprofit organization) with the support of The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.
Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah