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Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Henry Makow’s Antisemitic Derangement Syndrome

In awe of Putin and Musk, the prolific antisemitic blogger Henry Makow is obsessed by a so-called Jewish global conspiracy to destroy Christian civilization

Henry Makow (illustration by CW).

Henry Makow is a Canadian author and blogger known for his virulent and relentless antisemitic conspiracy theorising. A slavish fan of Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin, he publishes repeatedly about a Judeo-Masonic Satanist plot to control the world. Often homophobic and intensely masculinist, he is opposed to Donald Trump and his “bromance” with the man he dubs “Satanyahu” (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), but in awe of the US President’s ‘buddy’ and advisor, X proprietor Musk.

Makow is a supporter of the anti-Trump ultra-extremist MAGA (Make America Great) fringe and he sees Jews behind every terrorist attack, catastrophe and act of antisemitism. He claims without citing any evidence that Jews engineered the October 7, 2023 Hamas “false flag” attacks on Israel, and even engineered the Dreyfus affair for their own interests.

Through his constantly updated website and online channel on X, where he has more than 32,000 followers, Makow spreads elaborate lies about “Zionists being congenital liars”. For example, he has asserted multiple times that the Hamas terrorist pogroms of October 7 were in fact “carried out with Mossad complicity in order to justify ethnic cleansing and war. The Israelis have shown they know what Hamas leaders had for breakfast, let alone their attack plans. The majority of the casualties were caused by the IDF, in order to justify their "revenge."

After Trump’s inauguration Makow posted on X declaring that “The bully Donald Trump (signalling his loyalty to Satan) issues a threat to Putin.  Not everyone is going to cave to his bluster.”

Though identified with the far right anti-Jewish movements of North America, Makow shares conspiracist content about a carefully planned and executed Israeli “colonialist genocide” from far-left antisemites. Some of his favored voices include the notoriously anti-Jewish and ferociously anti-Zionist and pro-Hamas UN Special rapporteur Francesca Albanese, as well as Arab and Muslim online influencers diffusing hatred of Israel and apologies for the terrorism of Hezbollah and Hamas.

Unmasking the “New World Order”

Born in 1949, Makow presents himself as "a former academic now dedicated to uncovering the hidden aspects of the New World Order." French political scientist Pierre-André Taguieff describes him as "one of the most prolific contemporary conspiracy theorists."

Makow pushes the bogus narrative regarding the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of history's most infamous antisemitic hoaxes, representing "the blueprint for the New World Order." He also subscribes to the Illuminati conspiracy myth, identifying this shadowy group with "Masonic and Jewish bankers" or "Khazar Jews."

In 2020 Makow helped circulate anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist conspiracies in the wake of the US strike that killed Iran General Qasem Soleimani. He alleged the US and Trump were provoking a third world war pitting the "Islamic world" against "political Zionists" with the goal of  "[culling] the Goyim”, which will bring a “Masonic Jewish banker world government.”

Ranting about the Rothschild’s

In his analysis of the Dreyfus Affair, Makow writes that it "traumatized and transformed France, much like the Charlie Hebdo affair today." According to him, the Rothschild family orchestrated the false accusation of Captain Dreyfus, an innocent Jew, for espionage in order to stoke antisemitism and push Jews to emigrate to Israel. Later, he claims, Dreyfus was "avenged," and "patriotic France discredited," when the real spy, a Rothschild agent, confessed.

In his 2013 book, a diatribe against feminism and the “globalist new world order”, Makow ranted that "the Rockefellers and Rothschilds created the second wave of feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer). Their twin goals are depopulation and a totalitarian world government."

When Antisemitism Converges with Homophobia, Anti-Masonry and Misogyny

In another piece titled "Gay Activism Is Part of the Illuminati's Plan for Domination", Makow claims that "gay activism is one of many puppets of Jewish and Freemason lobbies. […] This is truly a war against civilization, anti-Christian and anti-Muslim. Religion is a natural obstacle to a New World Order. LGBT activism, especially leftism, is part of this subversive agenda. […] Many members of the Illuminati Jewish community are also Freemasons and gay [...]".

The obsessively Jew-hating, Christian-referenced paranoia and derangement of Makow is evident in his fevered online and in print screeds.

"As bizarre and incredible as it may sound, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the Illuminati,” he has written. This cult represents the Masonic and Jewish bankers who have usurped a monopoly on government credit, allowing them to charge interest on money they create out of nothing. Naturally, they want to protect this privilege by translating it into a political and cultural monopoly. This takes the form of a totalitarian world government dedicated to Lucifer, who represents their contempt for God. Thus, the people who control the strings of our purse conspire against us. To distract and control us, they have used a vast occult network (Freemasonry) to infiltrate most organizations, especially government, intelligence agencies, the educational system, and the mass media. Humanity is being re-engineered to serve the Illuminati. They undermine institutions like marriage and religion, and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption, and division. They orchestrated two world wars and are planning a third."

Makow’s writings continue to resonate within conspiracy circles, but they are widely criticized for their antisemitic content and harmful ideologies.

No wild conspiracy theory about shadowy forces controlling and destroying civilization is left unturned by Makow who is fixated on the false idea that the former chief medical adviser to the US President Dr Anthony Fauci and his allies orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic “genocide”. He frequently reposts content from Musk on X about this popular conspiracy theory.

For sixteen years, Conspiracy Watch has been diligently spreading awareness about the perils of conspiracy theories through real-time monitoring and insightful analyses. To keep our mission alive, we rely on the critical support of our readers.

Emma-Kate Symons
Emma-Kate Symons
Emma-Kate Symons is a Paris-based journalist and columnist who has been published in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, The New European and Reuters. Educated at the University of Sydney and Columbia University, Emma-Kate has reported from all over Europe, as well as from New York, Washington, Manila, Bangkok and Canberra.
ALL ARTICLES BY Emma-Kate Symons
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