Henry Makow is a Canadian author and blogger known for his virulent and relentless antisemitic conspiracy theorising. A slavish fan of Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin, he publishes repeatedly about a Judeo-Masonic Satanist plot to control the world. Often homophobic and intensely masculinist, he is opposed to Donald Trump and his “bromance” with the man […]
In the late 1970’s, the United States was seeing a spike in anxieties over women entering the workforce, the influence of Satanism in entertainment and schools, and the idea of organized child abuse. What had been bubbling up exploded into a full-blown moral panic with the publication in 1980 of Michelle Remembers, which purported to […]
Since German-born hacker Kim Dotcom fled to New Zealand to avoid extradition for numerous copyright violations by his website Megaupload, he has been spreading conspiracy theories about every subject imaginable while weaving them into an overall plot about Jewish control and “overrepresentation.” Little of this is different from what countless authors, pundits, politicians, and media […]
While the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is one of the most influential and reprinted books in the history of 20th century conspiracy theories, its initial release went almost completely unnoticed. Plagiarized by an unknown author or authors from a variety of sources, the fiercely antisemitic document was first published in Russian in an […]
Conspiracy theorist literature is full of both real and hypothesized groups of powerful people meeting in various think tanks, committees, councils, and cabals for the purposes of enriching their own power while stripping the power away from those deemed lesser than them. Some of these groups are real, though their imaginary power far outweighs what […]
What’s bigger than a big secret? The Biggest Secret, according to the British conspiracy theorist author and speaker David Icke. The cover of the prolific writer’s book of the same name promises to reveal long-hidden and deeply suppressed knowledge that will do nothing less than “change the world.” Does Icke deliver on his boast? What […]
Swedish police discovered Janet Ossebaard’s lifeless body on December 22, 2023, in Lund, in southern Sweden. She had been missing for several weeks and her last Telegram letter indicated suicidal thoughts. Despite assertions from her partner Cyntha Koeter and old friends about her struggles with depression and a traumatic childhood, wild rumors quickly circulated. Her […]
According to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the threat the Jews pose to the world is closely tied to liberal values. The Jews want to demolish old hierarchies and convince the common people that equality is good, to destroy the aristocracy, to spread democracy, to establish universal human rights, to uphold freedom of […]
Tenou'a: Let’s first define the terms: what is conspiracism – what in French we call conspirationnisme or complotisme? Rudy Reichstadt: These two words entered the dictionary in French in 2011 and 2016 respectively. In reality, conspirationnisme has been in use since the 1980s. The term théorie du complot is older; it was first used in […]