Next to “The International Jew” was a copy of “The Bible Came From Arabia,” a piece of twaddle that suggests the Jews are not Jews and Israel isn’t Israel. And then there was a pamphlet called “Secrets of the Talmud.” Not knowing these secrets (I was raised Reform), I started reading. The Talmud apparently teaches Jews how best to demolish the world economy and gives Jews the right to take non-Jewish women as slaves and rape them.
The German scholar Matthias Küntzel tells us this is a mistake. He takes anti-Semitism, and in particular its most potent current strain, Muslim anti-Semitism, very seriously indeed. His bracing, even startling, book, “Jihad and Jew-Hatred” (translated by Colin Meade), reminds us that it is perilous to ignore idiotic ideas if these idiotic ideas are broadly, and fervently, believed. And across the Muslim world, the very worst ideas about Jews — intricate, outlandish conspiracy theories about their malevolent and absolute power over world affairs — have become scandalously ubiquitous. Hezbollah and Hamas, to name two prominent examples, understand the world largely through the prism of Jewish power. Hezbollah officials employ language that shamelessly echoes Nazi propaganda, describing Jews as parasites and tumors and prescribing the murder of Jews as a kind of chemotherapy.
La suite de l’article sur le site du New York Times.
Une traduction du texte en français a été mise en ligne aujourd'hui sur le site de La Paix Maintenant sous le titre « Graines de haine ».
Source : The New-York Times, 6 janvier 2008.
Journaliste, Jeffrey Goldberg est correspondant de la revue The Atlantic. Il est spécialiste des relations internationales et du Moyen-Orient au New Yorker. Il a écrit au Washigton Post et au Jerusalem Post. Son travail a été couronné du prix David Pearl. Il est l’auteur de Prisonniers en terre promise : Un Juif et un Palestinien au camp de Ketziot, éd. Demopolis, 2007, préfacé par Esther Benbassa (ci-dessous).
Next to “The International Jew” was a copy of “The Bible Came From Arabia,” a piece of twaddle that suggests the Jews are not Jews and Israel isn’t Israel. And then there was a pamphlet called “Secrets of the Talmud.” Not knowing these secrets (I was raised Reform), I started reading. The Talmud apparently teaches Jews how best to demolish the world economy and gives Jews the right to take non-Jewish women as slaves and rape them.
The German scholar Matthias Küntzel tells us this is a mistake. He takes anti-Semitism, and in particular its most potent current strain, Muslim anti-Semitism, very seriously indeed. His bracing, even startling, book, “Jihad and Jew-Hatred” (translated by Colin Meade), reminds us that it is perilous to ignore idiotic ideas if these idiotic ideas are broadly, and fervently, believed. And across the Muslim world, the very worst ideas about Jews — intricate, outlandish conspiracy theories about their malevolent and absolute power over world affairs — have become scandalously ubiquitous. Hezbollah and Hamas, to name two prominent examples, understand the world largely through the prism of Jewish power. Hezbollah officials employ language that shamelessly echoes Nazi propaganda, describing Jews as parasites and tumors and prescribing the murder of Jews as a kind of chemotherapy.
La suite de l’article sur le site du New York Times.
Une traduction du texte en français a été mise en ligne aujourd'hui sur le site de La Paix Maintenant sous le titre « Graines de haine ».
Source : The New-York Times, 6 janvier 2008.
Journaliste, Jeffrey Goldberg est correspondant de la revue The Atlantic. Il est spécialiste des relations internationales et du Moyen-Orient au New Yorker. Il a écrit au Washigton Post et au Jerusalem Post. Son travail a été couronné du prix David Pearl. Il est l’auteur de Prisonniers en terre promise : Un Juif et un Palestinien au camp de Ketziot, éd. Demopolis, 2007, préfacé par Esther Benbassa (ci-dessous).
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